(Breakfast at the hotel is included in the price. Here you see hard rolls, crisp bread, and cereal.)

(Norwegian rolls—very good!)

(Here you see jam, chocolate spread, red beets, oranges, pears, melon, and pineapple.)

(Cucumbers, tomatoes, Italian salad, shrimp salad, smoked salmon, salami, ham, and cured meat.)

(Smoked salmon, mackeral in tomato sauce, herring, yellow cheese, brown cheese, liver paté, and milk.)

(It is good with strong coffee or tea in the morning.)

(I saw this sign on the subway/light rail train today and took a picture of it because there were so many good adjectives on it. The sign warns people against sneaking onto the public transportation in the city—"To be caught for sneaking is both embarrassing and expensive." About five minutes later, there was a control on the subway, but fortunately we had valid tickets.)

(The new library)

(The door was locked when I came to the summer school office this morning. As a result, I had to pass the time with taking some pictures. Here is says, "Put out your cigarette here.")

(Nice roses in front of the building for the summer school's main office.)

(Later in the day, we stopped by the Mac store because my colleague's computer wasn't working. In Norway, the Mac store is calle "The Apple House."

(My colleague got this bag because she bought a cable there. On the outside, it says "The Apple House—Norway's most exciting computer store." I had to be satisfied with taking a picture of it.)
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